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We believe that the motive laying underneath your thought to help the project be born and come true is your desire to see a true film on historical past, which is often distorted, disregarded, and rewritten. We are building our story on real biographies, which we have long and painstakingly been gathering, restoring and assembling into the existing script.


The amount to be collected is quite significant and therefore the fundraising is divided into several stages. We shall publish in the credits of the director's version as Full Participants each and every name of everyone who helps the film to appear on the screen on every stage. We are making this movie together, and the worthiness of any contribution is not to be ranked or estimated.


As for us, we hereby are taking the responsibility to create a true work of art and an exciting movie at the same time. As a team of an independent project funded by people we do not have the material funds to reward you in return, but we can give you the opportunity to visit the set, live a unique day in the magic atmosphere of the cinema, and we shall kindly invite you to a closed pre-premiere show.

Bank account for donations:

Film Inside LV


Crowdfunding platform

Contact us

so we can create great movie together | +371 20045658 | +371 259 898 09

This project is independent and is financed

by private funds through donations and

crowd funding platforms

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